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Canada General Elections 2015: A New Dawn For Canadians

By N Oji Mzilikazi

19 October 2015

After ten years of promoting and executing a right-wing agenda, after ten years of subverting democracy, after ten years adhering to an extremely biased Middle East policy, and after introducing law and order policies that hasn’t worked in The United States of America; decades of tough-on-crime legislation and minimum mandatory sentencing that have American prisons bursting at their seams have resulted in prison and parole overhaul/reform, the ending of harsh sentences for drug users and long term-incarceration of the nonviolent offenders, and judges asked to preserve judicial discretion — implement smart sentencing, and after using the politics of fear to implement Bill 51, not to mention pursue aggressive Canadian militarism, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party is out.

Today is a good day!

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Why Doesn’t Serena Williams Have More Sponsorship Deals?

By N Oji Mzilikazi

29 September 2015

Serena Williams is undeniably the greatest female athlete of the era, maybe the era’s greatest athlete. Yet, Williams is ranked 47 on Forbes’s list of the highest paid athletes. And of the seven tennis players on the list (Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Maria Sharapova, Andy Murray, Kei Nishikori, Serena Williams), Serena ranks last in endorsement dollars.

Given that centuries of patriarchal dominance has it that males are paid much more than females, even if and when all things are equal, male athletes including the less-successful having more endorsement deals/making more money than Serena Williams is par for the course, but Maria Sharapova?

Maria Sharapova cannot light a candle to Serena. Serena has had 17 consecutive victories over Maria. Serena has twice the amount of career titles owned by Sharapova.

Serena leads all active players with 21 Grand Slams. Next is Venus Williams with 7, then Maria Sharapova with 5.

Sharapova has not defeated Serena since 2004. But since 2004, Sharapova has been the world’s highest-paid female athlete.

Serena can’t touch Sharapova when it comes to sponsorships. And it has everything to do with Serena Williams’ blackness.

Martina Hingis whose career was brought to a premature end when she failed a drugs test for cocaine during Wimbledon said of the Williams sisters: Being black only helps them. Many times they get sponsors because they are black.

Contrary to Hingis’ musing, the blackness of Serena and Venus is precisely why sponsors do not knock on their doors as they ought to.

Economics is at the heart of racism. Racial discrimination is rooted in economics. Hence, racism enduring support – even when its tenets are both scientifically and intellectual debunked. Racial discrimination is the lived experience of people of African descent, yet the insidiousness that black skin accrues unwarranted privileges and benefits still hold sway.

Anna Kournikova never won a WTA singles tournament or reached a singles Grand Slam final, yet Kournikova was able to make a personal fortune out of endorsements.

Kournikova earnings allowed her parents to live off her. And so much so, they sued her to protect their continued feeding.

Kournikova fulfilled the stereotypical white and blond beauty template. The one that causes white prepubescent boys and white teenage boys to drool, adult white boys to have sexual fantasies, and old white men desirous of having the person as trophy or be in their company,  and young girls to admire, aspire to become or imitate.

Kournikova was tennis’s favourite pinup girl. Boys loved Anna Kournikova. Girls loved Anna Kournikova. Tennis tournaments loved Anna Kournikova. Wall Street loved Anna Kournikova.

Kournikova was given centre courts to play all her tennis matches, and Kournikova landed “A class” sponsors like Charles Schwab, Adidas, and Omega Watches.

Dubbed the “most successful loser in sports,” Kournikova even eclipsed Venus Williams, with all her career titles including Grand Slam wins, as the highest-paid female athlete.

Many tennis pundits didn’t like that Venus Williams and Serena Williams were winning numerous titles and increasingly were the last two standing in Grand Slam finals. So they poisoned the airwaves, television’s watching audience and the printed page with innuendos and bias. They needed a white heroine…

When Maria Sharapova defeated Serena Williams to claim the 2004 Wimbledon title, she was immediately crowned tennis “It” girl.

The tennis establishment saw Sharapova as the long awaited sexy and beautiful white hope to “rescue” the WTA from the clutches of the “Amazonian” Williams’ sisters. They gushed over her win as one for the ages, and a lot was made of it being in straight sets.

Concerned solely with white demographics, Wall Street saw Sharapova as the perfect choice to advertise/sell their product and services. Thus, Sharapova was able to secure contracts with some of the biggest companies, and remain the world’s highest paid female athlete — for so long.

In their eyes, despite the inroads and successes of Black and Asian tennis players, tennis is still a white country-club sport.

In their eyes, Serena Williams doesn’t cut it.

In spite of her athletic ability and talents, celebrity status and visibility, her downright African phenotype and “militant” blackness as opposed to the “subdued and downplayed” blackness of the likes of Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan negates her bankability.

In 2000, Serena boycotted the Family Circle Cup in Hilton Head, South Carolina, over the Confederate Flag being flown over the State Capitol. Serena boycotted Indian Wells for 14 years on account of the boos and racial slurs thrown at her father and Venus when they came to see her contest the 2001 finals.

In embodying the “skinny white chick,” Maria Sharapova with her one-dimensional ball-bashing game, woeful court movement, and banshee wailing is seen as worth every penny.

Meritocracy is a myth…

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Chris Chase Hatred Of Serena Williams — Continues

By N Oji Mzilikazi

31 August 2015

Not satisfied with egg all over his face with his Wimbledon prediction Serena Williams won’t win Wimbledon, Chris Chase is at it again.

In playing the law of averages, and as my people say, “The one day for thief, one day for police scenario,” Chase delivers Why Serena Williams will lose the U.S. Open.

It is sad that For The Win/USA Today continues to give Chris Chase ink so he could pursue his hate campaign against the Williams sisters, in this case Serena. I guess anything to get clicks on their website is worth it.

Don’t be deceived. As someone who takes names and dates, Chase ruminations are hate based. As previously pointed out on this blog, the sad man decried Serena winning the 2009 Associated Press Female Athlete of the Year Award. He chalked it up to “an epically bad slate of 2009 candidates.”

The writings of Chase, like that of Greg Couch, Selena Roberts (The New York Times), and Sally Jenkins (Washington Post) who said of Serena, Someday she may have to cope with the fact that real greatness isn’t hers, but rather, just a whisper of something she overheard through a door she never entered betray a running hatred towards the Williams.

Even if Serena fails to win the U.S. Open, or fails to tie or surpass Steffi Graf Grand Slam titles, Serena would still be the best female tennis player — ever.


Serena lost in the semi-finals to Roberta Vinci.

Chris Chase had to be overjoyed. He must’ve even gotten himself an erection as well. After all, his prediction of a Serena loss finally came true.

As if it’s something knowledgeable tennis fans didn’t know, Chase penned: Serena Williams is the sorest loser.

Venus told us so eons ago; ever since Serena took up a tennis racquet…

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Canada: Harper’s Deafening Silence on the Iran Nuclear Deal

By N Oji Mzilikazi

30 August 2015

Like right-wing Christian Churches, Christian Zionists and Christian fundamentalists that unequivocally support Israel and send millions of dollars to fund Israeli settlements, Stephen Harper, our unbeloved prime minister and his Conservative government are the world’s staunchest supporter of Israel. In Harper’s eyes, Israel can do no wrong and Israel does not do wrong.

In his January 2014 speech before Israel’s Knesset, Stephen Harper vowed loyalty to Israel. Harper declared:  Through fire and water, Canada will stand with you.

At the November 2010, interparliamentary conference on combating anti-Semitism, Harper declared: As long as I am Prime Minister, whether it is at the UN or the Francophonie or anywhere else, Canada will take a stand whatever the cost.

In stating he would take a pro-Israeli stance, no matter what the political cost to Canada; Stephen Harper is feted and embraced by Jewry worldwide, and given awards and titles by Jewish organizations.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Harper a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people, and praised him for unabashedly standing by Israel on issues including Iran’s nuclear program.

Since Iranian hardliners foolishly swear to the destruction of Israel, Iran  was elevated as the latest bogyman that epitomizes evil and a threat to the west, Canada would not engage with Iran in any shape or form.

In taking up anti-Iran fire rage for Israel, in September 2014 Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird dismissed outright any co-operation with Iran against ISIS.  Baird passed on the chance to inflict serious damage on ISIS while in its infancy.

In the face of such pro-Israel support by Stephen Harper it was rather surprising to see Harper staying silent on the landmark Iran Nuclear deal hammered out by the United States and others – weeks after the signing, and with protests and objections by the Israeli government, prominent American Jews and others.

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee didn’t pledge loyalty to Israel, but he had no qualms about invoking the Holocaust to object to the Iranian nuclear deal.

Huckabee likened it to marching the Israelis to the door of the oven.

I’m truly baffled by Harper’s silence. Harper had no qualms about snubbing the United Nations. Harper was willing to call out and attack Russian President Vladimir Putin over Russia’s expansionism and militarism, yet when Israel needed him most he didn’t show up. Harper didn’t show support and solidarity with Israel and criticized or objected to the deal.

Wonders never cease!