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Taber, Alberta: Canada’s First Police State

Taber, Alberta: Canada’s First Police State

By N Oji Mzilikazi

17 March 2015

Last month, the town council of Taber, Alberta, passed the Community Standards Bylaw that bans public swearing, spitting and yelling. The bylaw was recommended by the police commission and the Taber Police Service.

The police have body armour and the world of sophisticated law-enforcement technologies not to mention weaponry at their disposal. All John Public has is their mouth to swear and yell — at the police (and others), and those acts are now criminalised. And to know the government want to prevent radicalization…

I guess the legislature don’t see anything oppressive in the bylaw.

The bylaw also grants power to peace officers to break up assemblies of three or more people.

Interestingly, in May 2011, Curtis David Paradee, the chairman of the police commission in Taber, was arrested and charged with child pornography offences by Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team’s Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit, and Taber Police Service.

Given that the tip came from the US Department of Homeland Security, the Taber town council ought to focus more on its police force than on draconian bylaws against its citizenry.

Then again, bylaws like those are enacted by municipalities as a tax-grab.

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Netanyahu Reveals His True Colours

Netanyahu Reveals His True Colours

By N Oji Mzilikazi

17 March 2015

Fighting for his political life in a tight parliamentary election, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to shed his veneer of statesmanship and dive headfirst into the politics of hate and the nastiness and divisiveness of tribal/ethnic and religious politics…


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Canada Ex-Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird: Still The Israeli Agent

Canada Ex-Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird: Still The Israeli Agent

By N Oji Mzilikazi

3 March 2015


For all Israel’s long-established opposition to a nuclear Iran and fear mongering against same, Israel is one of the four UN member states that is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Iran is. As such, Israel is not subject to international monitoring.

In constantly exploiting her Nazi victimization, Israel has succeeding in the having her powerful allies excuse or turn a blind eye to her excesses, wrongs, nuclear program and nuclear arsenal, as well as afraid of confronting Israel in any way shape or form. Plus the Israel Lobby and moneyed Jews have ensured they have so much political influence, Israel’s interest takes center stage and no western government dare tie the billions in aid to Israeli to settlement issues as often done to others; tie their aid to issues/their interests…


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Fifty Shades Of Grey: Clearly Reserved For Whites

Dehumanization, Pain, Abuse as Sexual Fun

By N Oji Mzilikazi

24 February 2015


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Canada Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird Resigns: Good Riddance to Bad…

Canada Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird Resigns: Good Riddance to Bad…

By N Oji Mzilikazi

4 February 2015

Yesterday, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird told the House of Commons his time has come. Defined by his values, and being a mouthpiece for Israel’s interests, Baird was truly a valid asset in aiding Prime Minister Stephen Harper diminish Canada’s status in the international community. As goes the proverbial adage says, “Good riddance to bad rubbish.”