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American Sniper: Propaganda, Hero Worship of a Trained Psycho, Mass Murderer

American Sniper: Propaganda, Hero Worship of a Trained Psycho, Mass Murderer

By N Oji Mzilikazi

21 January 2015

Anyhow it is cut, sliced or diced, the Bush administration initiated and Coalition supported invasion of Iraq and deposing of Saddam Hussein was predicated on deliberate lies.

Iraq never posed a threat to America — was never a threat to American hegemony. Furthermore, America was not invited by dissident Iraqis and opposition forces in Iraq to support their struggle and/or to invade Iraq towards deposing Saddam Hussein, even if he was a despotic ruler.

The US-led invasion of Iraq was morally wrong, an unjustified and illegal war — and solely about reshaping power in the Middle East in the interest of Israel…


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CIA Torture Report: Illusions of Legitimacy

December 11, 2014
The recently released CIA Torture Report prompted my posting of this poem titled, Illusions of Legitimacy. Written in March 2008, it is taken from my unpublished poetry compilation, Drunk, I Wasn’t Drinking.


Illusions of Legitimacy
By N Oji Mzilikazi

When it comes to the blight that is terrorism
No war is thought of as being in error
Even in the face of skewed facts, dubious intel
Or if it will bring the world closer to that Hour
Nothing must obstruct global Pax Americana…


Copyright © 2008 by N Oji Mzilikazi, All Rights Reserved

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Montreal Police Officers Still Continue To Kill — With Impunity

Montreal Police Officers Still Continue To Kill — With Impunity

By N Oji Mzilikazi

24 November 2014

On November 11, 1987, Constable Allan Gosset shot and killed 19-year-old Anthony Griffin in the parking lot of Station 15 police station— upon his fleeing the police cruiser. The Black teen was unarmed.

As informed by the Augustus v. Gosset court transcript, Griffin was ordered to stop by Constable Gosset, and threatened with being shot. “Anthony immediately stopped and turned to face the respondent Gosset, shifting his weight from foot to foot; he did not stand perfectly still…At that instant, a gunshot hit Anthony in the head.”

Gosset blamed his killing of Griffin on the accidental firing of his gun…



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Branding, Pimping Bob Marley As Ganja Overlord

Branding, Pimping Bob Marley As Ganja Overlord

By N Oji Mzilikazi

November 23, 2014

Though Bob Marley has been the de-facto face of marijuana since 1973, when the album jacket of Bob Marley and The Wailers – Catch A fire, was of him smoking a phat spliff, Robert Nesta Marley must be turning in his grave to know that after a rich and lasting legacy of redemption songs, his heirs have teamed up with a U.S. private equity firm to create and market Marley Natural, a marijuana brand — that cannot but diminish his brilliance…



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Canada’s “Public” War On ISIS

Canada’s “Public” War On ISIS

By N Oji Mzilikazi

November 22, 2014

It is one thing for Canada to join the “Coalition of the Willing” to combat the threat of ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (also known as ISIL), and another to boast of its exploits.

Far from impressing Canadians as to the contribution and “greatness” of the Canadian military, exposing its military operations could only fuel animosity among sympathisers of ISIS and further encourage Canadian recruitment to ISIS.

Didn’t anyone in Stephen Harper’s Conservative government or the Canadian military read Al Qur’an, Sura II: 190 – 193 that scripturally bless Jihad — justifies Jihad in defence?

“Fight in the cause of God, those who fight you” — it commands, and that positions the aggrieved to be an unrelenting enemy and to pursue blowback at home. Especially, considering that an official war against ISIS has not been declared.

The Canadian military ought to just do their thing and be quiet about it — until…

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Kenneth Cole Pimping Haiti

Kenneth Cole Pimping Haiti

9 November 2014

Kenneth Cole recently “opened a boutique in Haiti that the designer says will bring commercial and humanitarian benefits to the poverty-stricken Caribbean country.”

Designer stores pander to the moneyed, and exert tremendous pressure on those without to be fashionable. The last thing Haiti needs is a Kenneth Cole store.

Haitians would be better served if Kenneth Cole had opened a factory in Haiti to produce some of his goods. Haiti needs industry, not predatory business and overpriced goods— to further distress the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.