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Muhammed Ali: Black Confidence, Black Excellence, Black Pride, Black Courage, Black Defiance

By N Oji Mzilikazi

29 June 2016

The Montreal Gazette, December 4, 2005, carried a lengthy piece on Muhammad Ali. Written by Daniel Pipes, a strident neocon. The article’s headline and drop head was: U.S. President George W. Bush was wrong to give draft-evader Muhammad Ali the U.S. Medal of Freedom. Award stings like a bee.

In seething anti-Islamic rage, Pipes does a hatchet job on Muhammad Ali, and describes the Nation of Islam as being “stridently anti-American and anti-white.”

Pipes dismisses the racial history of America and its racism by deliberately characterizing Ali’s refusal to fight in Vietnam as based upon “his allegiance to the Nation of Islam.”

Public recordings, radio, film and newsreels have Muhammad Ali refusal go to Vietnam as based upon the hypocrisy of going to fight to free a foreign people who never called him “nigger,” when in his own country, African Americans weren’t free.

In Islam, all members of the faith are brothers, regardless of colour. In Islam there are Muslims from more or less every ethnicity in the world. There are Muslims who are Black, white, Asian, South Asian and every shade and colour in between.

Islamic organisations tend to be anti anything that doesn’t subscribe to their religion. As such, Pipes’ statement of the Nation of Islam being anti-white has no standing.

It has always been fashionable for racists and opponents of Black Empowerment/Black Liberation Theology and astute and outspoken politicised Blacks to frame their position along the lines of “anti-Americanism.”

They deliberately invoke that emotional key-word phrase to raise the ire of the ignorant, to appeal to emotions, stir mob anger, and to elicit condemnation. After all, America is always spoken of as being the good guy as well as the pillar of democracy. Therefore, when one hears someone is “anti-American,” the immediate belief is he or she is against decency and goodness.

When Black Americans point their fingers and accuse America, it is from its failure to do the things it eschews as intrinsic to democracy, as well as upholding that Black Lives Matter. But racists make it out to be anything but…

I was never into boxing. Martial Arts is my thing. Ali’s successes and hype of upcoming fights did nothing for me. Ali’s bravado, Ali’s self-confidence/boldness/arrogance/courage and Ali’s politics drew me in.

That a Black man could boldly declare, “I am the greatest,” when being Black was equated to being sub-human, and engendered automatic discrimination and oppression was mind-blowing. Not to mention doing so in face of the “Self-praise is no praise/ Do not toot your own horn” adages, that were drummed into my head beginning in primary school.

Muhammed Ali gave me the confidence, courage and boldness to speak highly of myself when in ownership of undeniable skills.

A Black man standing up — daring to defy the most powerful government in the world was, to me, a child of colonialism and an acolyte of Black Power; Manhood personified, Truth speaking to power, and Black Power itself.

Muhammed Ali was a beam of steel implanted in my spinal column. Muhammed Ali facilitated my ability to walk with a bounce and with my shoulders still square. Muhammed Ali taught me to open my mouth; to unabashedly give voice. Muhammed Ali inspired me to be the best I can be and to do the best I can.

Muhammed Ali, born 17 January 1942; died 3 June 2016

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Malcolm X: Birthday Greetings My Prince

By N Oji Mzilikazi

19 May 2016

Hi Malcolm!

It’s been a while since I’ve uttered your name. Nonetheless, you are forever in my heart. Songs of liberation, songs of praise, and songs of remembrance are the menu day.

Miriam Makeba – Malcolm X

Two Kings In A Cipher – For The Brothers Who Ain’t Here [Jazz Version]

Two Kings In A Cipher – For The Brothers Who Ain’t Here

N Oji

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Poem: Our American Cousin


Our American Cousin
By N Oji Mzilikazi
27 April 2016

Borders broken, South West retaken,
Cholos, Chicanos have Gabachos frightened,
Demanding English only language legislation,
Banning the teaching of Mexican American studies,
Rejecting calls for reforms to immigration,
Stopping Hispanics for status verification.

The Lord of the Rings was great, excellent fiction.
In their second stab against “The Great Satan,”
Extremists desirous of an Islamic Caliphate
Brought down the Twin Towers,
Yet white extremist militias, white right-wing groups
Have no aversion to racial hate, domestic terrorism.

Bruce Lee was a master of Kung Fu,
The awaken sleeping dragon mimicking Fu Manchu,
For years Lou Dobbs raised a cry and hue,
Selective blindness to wide human rights abuse,
Cheap products laced with dangers,
Their manufacturing other nations can’t wait to use.
The 2008 Olympics gave them the biggest face,
Upped collaboration with Russia, India, others,
The U.S. Dollar as world currency to replace.

As if other nations are standing idly by,
Uninterested in the Red & Blue downwards slide,
Barbarians aren’t already inside the gates,
The opposition that is supposed to be loyal,
Refusing to put national interests before party,
Opposing every act/proposal by the Obama Administration,
Bent on shutting down government as political strategy.

Representation in taxation but invoking tea,
Lighting, fanning flames of racial animosity,
Initiating, supporting obstructionist policies,
Acts that undermine the nation’s growth, prosperity,
Hoping public dissatisfaction will oust the outsider,
Return them to the corridors of power,
Save the great nation they polarized, wrecked,
Impoverished, made to look puerile,
Unfit for world leadership.

Copyright © 2010 by N Oji Mzilikazi, All Rights Reserved

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UPDATE: Abortion: Republicans Hate Planned Parenthood — And Women

By N Oji Mzilikazi

31 March 2016

In a MSNBC moderated town hall meeting in Wisconsin, yesterday, Republican presidential contender and front-runner Donald Trump said people in certain parts of the Republican Party and Conservative Republicans believe that abortion should be punished if made illegal — as if he is a middle of the road candidate.

Pushed by moderator Chris Matthews as to his position on issue, Trump reiterated he is pro-life, against abortion, and revealed he subscribes to those sentiments as well. Trump voiced that women must indeed face some form of punishment should abortions be banned.

Earlier today, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey announced he had signed three bills targeting abortion providers.

The war against women; the push to criminalize abortion, make abortion almost impossible, and for men to re-establish territorial rights over a woman’s body is increasing in intensity…


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Poem: Groundation For Contemplation

Groundation For Contemplation
By N Oji Mzilikazi
29 March 2016

All societies have a right-wing, extremist or lunatic fringe.
People who see themselves as guardians, nationalists, ultra-patriotic,
Defenders of country, culture, purity, racial superiority,
As well as zealots — with no loyalty but to their own absurdity.

Under all their nationalism, religious, racial, political sloganeering,
Theirs is an ethos of selfishness, criminality, gangsterism, banditry,
Enslavement under political, religious, racial, ethnic banners,
Political, social instability for personal, financial gain.

Their politically extreme, militant rhetoric of hate, faith…

Copyright © 2016 by N Oji Mzilikazi, All Rights Reserved